It’s the first Monday of  a New Year.  With all the craziness going on in my life, I kind of avoided January 1 as being the beginning of the New Year. I decided early in the week of January 1, 2014 that I was going to post-pone any “New Year” thoughts or behavior patterns until the first Monday.

Okay, okay.  I’m kinda late on the New Year thing.  And I’m kinda weird.  But, for this, I just have to make it work for me.

SO, it’s Monday.  Now what?

I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. The end.

Now your are really troubled by my direction.  I mean, where could I possibly be going with this?

As I thought about this post last week, I had so many thoughts come to mind.

Why don’t I do New Years resolutions?  Basically because I am a believer that we should constantly be making choices for betterment of ourselves and the things around us.  For me, it is a constant endeavor to be better than I was yesterday.  Am I successful? I don’t know.  I hope.  Do I fail?  Sure, I do.  Do I keep trying?  YES!!!!!

When we set New Years resolutions, we say “This year…..”, or “In 2014, I want to…..”, but what about “Today…….”?

Today I will share the love of Christ with those I come in contact with.

Today I will start a new relationship with my spouse.

Today I will eat nutritionally.

Today I will work as unto the Lord.

Today I will show gratitude not only to the Lord for the little I have, but also to those around me.

Today I will not complain.


We have choices in our lives that have impact on not just ourselves, but those around us.  Actually, EVERY choice we make impacts others.  Some have a greater impact than other choices.

Matthew 16-24


Today, I will deny myself. There are so many things I would love to do that would just benefit me.  But, instead, I will find ways to point others to Christ.  Does someone need a simple phone call?  That is probably one of the things I like to do the least – talk on the phone. Make room in my schedule to babysit a small child while their mom goes to the doctor, or some other appointment. Clean the house, or cook a special meal for someone. Or, maybe it is simply sitting in the quiet of the moment, to spend time with God.


Today, I will take up my cross. Is there a burden I think is unbearable? Is there a situation I have totally been avoiding? Today, what does God want me to do with it?


Today, I will follow Christ.  As I am progressing through the day, I will focus on Christ.  What is the response He would have me give to my children? My parents? How would He have me schedule my day? How can I better show Him to those around me?


New Years resolutions – once you are fail, you are a failure for a long time.


A daily choice – If I mess up today, I get to start all over in just a few hours.  I have so many more opportunities to be who God would have me be when I do it one day, one choice, at a time.